Awaken to the energy of HER, embodying the version of yourself who already radiates the qualities you desire and harmonizing with the frequency of your dreams.

Quantum leap into a reality beyond your current vision, aligning with the spiritual abundance you seek.

HER is a sacred dance of self-discovery and manifestation, crafted for the woman ready to ascend.

SHE embodies the essence of a free-spirited visionary, bringing the dreams she imagined into vibrant reality while navigating life with her heart as the guiding compass.

A playful dream-weaver, SHE effortlessly manifests her deepest desires, weaving dreams into existence. Every step she takes is a dance of magic, creating a world that reflects the beauty of her innermost desires.

SHE stands as the heroine and creator of her soul story, transcending time and expanding into the boldest, brightest version of

In her narrative, she is not confined by limitations but rather embraces the boundless potential that resides within.

This is not just the story of HER - it's an invitation for you to embody the next-level version of yourself.

SHE is not a distant figure but a mirror reflecting the potential within YOU.

It's time to step into the narrative of your own creation, collapsing barriers, and expanding into the most authentic and empowered version of you.

Embodying HER is the fast-track to receiving everything you truly desire!

SHE has a crystal clear vision of what lights you up - which will propel you excitedly into the next chapter in the story of YOU.

SHE knows what action to take and when - through the path of least resistance.

Becoming HER makes you an energetic match for everything you desire, quantum jumping into a reality that you cannot even envision right now.


Module One - Acceptance
Module Two - Clarifying HER Vision
Module Three - Crafting HER
Module Four - Embodiment
Module Five - Rewriting HER Past
Module Six - Resilience
Module Seven - Mastery
Module Eight - Integration

Dive into the depths of your being and connect with the powerful energy of HER – the woman within you who is poised to ascend to new heights. This is your opportunity to unleash your authentic self, free from limitations and fully embracing the extraordinary qualities that lie within.

Imagine a reality beyond your current vision – a reality where you effortlessly align with the spiritual abundance you seek. With HER, you will quantum leap into a new dimension of existence, leaving behind the constraints of your past and stepping boldly into a future where your dreams are not just aspirations but a tangible, vibrant reality.

HER is all about aligning with the frequency of your dreams. Through a carefully crafted coaching experience, you'll become an energetic match with the energy that propels you towards your deepest desires. The program is designed to help you overcome obstacles, tap into your inner strength, and resonate with the vibrations of success and fulfillment.

HER is for the woman ready to expand and ascend. If you're eager to shed the layers of societal expectations, self-doubt, and limitations, this program is your guide to personal evolution.

HER is your companion on the journey to discovering and expressing the most authentic version of yourself.

What you'll Experience with HER...

Unleash the power within you and step into your true identity.
Gain a clear vision of your desires and the path to manifest them.
Develop inner strength to overcome challenges and setbacks.
Align with spiritual abundance and manifest prosperity.
Forge a deep connection with your true self and the universe.

• Eight weekly calls
• Eight rituals
• Eight embodiment recordings
• Two embodiment activations
• The guide book to HER

This is your moment to rise, transform, and embrace the woman you are destined to become.

If you're ready to discover HER then join us for this transformative experience beginning on Monday 12th August at 7pm GMT.

The investment in HER is £555.

If you're seeking a more personalized approach through one-to-one private coaching, the investment is £1111.

"What a difference 8 weeks can make...I remember when Jade told us in the first week if we fully committed to this programme we'd be completely different humans by the end of it and she was not playing! When I look back to that 1st week and that version of me I dont recognise myself, I feel so different, I am a different person. I loved HER with all the practices that were eye (and soul) opening. Jade helped me see that I am the one who gets to choose who I am and where I go from here. This programme gave me the confidence to change things I didnt think possible before (I couldnt see how) and I know this is just the beginning. I highly recommend HER if you want to change your life."
- Hannah, London